Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group

Meeting Minutes

Up Meeting Minutes Bylaws Development Process Chapters 1-6 Charts Graphs Legal Issues

Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group
PO Box 65
Hiram, Ohio 44234-0065
Hiram Village Council Chambers 

The Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group
September 17, 2003


Present at the meeting were Susan Marston, Gary Borden, Shari Keefi, Damaris Peters-Pike, Terry Kulka, Rudy Gall, Waiva Worthley, Steve Berecek, Tom Bosma, Robert Summers, Patrice Lecso, Clyde Faust, and Roger Cram

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Roger Cram, the unofficial person willing to talk.

Hiram Comprehensive Plan Books were passed out to those who did not have a copy.

A “draft” of our written bylaws was given to each person in attendance and approximately 1 hour was spent reading these bylaws making suggested changes.  A corrected copy of these bylaws will be available at the next meeting on October 15.

It was decided to have each entity elect or appoint 4 delegates, 3 working delegates and 1 alternate.  It was hoped that these delegates would be known by our October 15, 2003 meeting.

It was decided that the Hiram Comprehensive Planning Committee will be called the Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group and that the organization would be legitimized by formal, written recognition from Hiram Township governmental agencies, Hiram Village governmental agencies, and Hiram College.  This formal request for recognition will be mailed to each entity with a copy of our bylaws.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm

The next meeting will be October 15, 2003 at Hiram Village Hall


Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group
PO Box 65
Hiram, Ohio 44234-0065
Hiram Village Council Chambers

October 15, 2003

The following members were present:  Steve Berecek, Patrice Lecso, Waiva Worthley, Robert Summers, Roger Cram, and Shari Keefe.

The attendance was low, therefore, it was surmised most HCPG members believed the meeting was the next Wednesday, October 22, 2003.  Because October 2003 has 5 Wednesdays, it may have been a common assumption that October 22 would be the third Wednesday of October instead of the fourth Wednesday.  The meeting was adjourned until 7:00 pm on October 22, 2003.

October 22, 2003

The following members were present at:  Steve Berecek, Patrice Lecso, Waiva Worthley, Robert Summers, Roger Cram, Shari Keefe, Rudy Gall, Stan Carlisle, and Susan Marston.

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Roger Cram with the agreement of all present.

The bylaws that were presented for changes and comments during the September 17, 2003, meeting was read with the suggested changes.  Several more changes and additions were made by the membership and most of these were incorporated into the final draft to be presented on the November 19, 2003 meeting.

Waiva Worthley pointed out that the Hiram Township Trustees and the Hiram Township Zoning Board has already adopted chapter 6 of the HCPG plan, and Waiva inquired as to the progress of Hiram College and Hiram Village doing the same.  Roger Cram reported that Tom Chema, president of Hiram College, was in favor of the plan and wanted the Hiram College Trustees to approve same during the upcoming Trustee Board Meeting. Hiram Village Council members have complete sets of the entire HCPG study and will be discussing it during their first reading at the Hiram Village Council Meeting on November 11, 2003.  The Hiram Village Planning Commission members have copies of chapter 6 and will be discussing its passage at their next meeting on November 3, 2003.

Inquiries were made about the delegates being appointed from the three entities: Hiram Township, Hiram Village, and Hiram College. Hiram Township has appointed as delegates Susan Marston, Stan Carlisle, and Sheri Keefe.  The Township will appoint an alternate delegate by the next HCPG meeting.  Hiram College has appointed Lisa Thibodeau, Damaris Pike, and Laura Van Wormer.  A fourth delegate will be appointed by the next HCPG meeting.  Mayor Summers will ask Hiram Village Council at their November 11, 2003 meeting to empower him with selecting delegates to represent Hiram Village.  Mayor Summers stated he will be keeping a list of those who have an interest in being a delegate.

Steve Berecek suggested that Hiram College does not appoint delegates that also work for Hiram Village.  Steve suggested that each delegate should only represent one entity.  It was point out in the bylaws of the HCPG it states that each entity may select their delegates by any means they decide.  The HCPG has no authority to tell entities how to select their delegates.

Roger Cram stated he would write sample resolutions that would serve as both adoption of the spirit of the HCPG’s Comprehensive Plan - Chapter 6 and official recognition of the HCPG as an official organization accepted by the involved entities.  These resolutions would be given to the Hiram Township Trustees, the Hiram Township Zoning Board, The Hiram Village Planning Commission, the Hiram Village Council, Hiram College, and the Portage County Regional Planning Commission.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 pm.

The next meeting will be held on November 19, 2003 at 7:00 pm.

Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group
PO Box 65
Hiram, Ohio 44234-0065
Hiram Village Council Chambers 
November 19, 2003

The meeting was called to order at  7:04 pm by Roger Cram who presented the following sample bylaws and resolutions for discussion:

The Bylaws
The formal governing rules of the organization

The Mission Statement

bulletTo serve the residents, land owners, and those employed within Hiram Township, Hiram Village, and Hiram College in future land use planning, economic development, and community growth…
bulletas an advisory council for local governmental agencies.
bulletas an educating medium for the Hiram area.
bulletas a gatherer, analyzer, and distributor of statistics and trends concerning the local area.
bulletas a gatherer, analyzer, and distributor of citizen’s opinions and desires for growth and land development in the local area.
bulletas a liaison between community groups and governmental agencies with the guidance of Portage County Regional Planning.
bulletas a resource for sample legislation and ordinances concerning transfer of development rights and other land use/development procedures.
bulletas an insurer that the goals and mission of this Comprehensive Plan Committee stay active.

 ARTICLE I: This organization shall be known as:

The Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group (HCPG). The mailing address will be Post Office Box 65, Hiram, Ohio 44234-0065.

ARTICLE II: The organizational structure shall be:

An organization recognized by local governing agencies (including but not limited to the Hiram Village Council, Hiram Village Planning Commission, Hiram Township Trustees, Hiram Township Zoning, Hiram College, Portage County Regional Planning Commission). The Group is a voluntary, not-for-profit, membership organization established under the laws of the State of Ohio. These bylaws define how the HCPG fulfills its responsibilities in keeping with its purposes, powers, and duties.

ARTICLE III: The purpose of this organization is to:

Serve the residents, land owners, and people employed within Hiram Township, Portage County, Ohio including Hiram Village and Hiram College (thus establishing jurisdiction and boundaries) in future land use planning, economic development, and community growth. HCPG is a research, educational, advisory organization designed to provide information to the governing officials of Portage County, Hiram Township, Hiram Village, and Hiram College.  HCPG has no legislative or judicial authority.

ARTICLE IV: The HCPG will meet monthly at a designated time and place being:

At 7:00 pm on the third Wednesday of each month in the Hiram Village Council Chambers until amended. Members will be notified of special meetings – held at other than standard place, date, and time - by telephone, e-mail, or letter with at least 48 hours of the special meeting. A special meeting of the membership can be called by the Chairman with consensus of at least one other officer. When any such “special” meeting is called, all members must be notified in the most efficient and effective method.

An annual meeting of the HCPG will be held, where election of the Secretary if needed, a review of these bylaws, the year’s accomplishments, setting future goals, and other relevant activities are carried out. This annual be the January meeting if possible. See Section V. 1. b. iii of these bylaws.

ARTICLE V: Operating Policies and Procedures

1.      Issues and Concerns

a.       Issues for voting

                                                                           i.      Issues for voting brought before the Group will be decided by a majority vote from all delegates.  There will be four (4) delegates from each entity (three (3) regular delegates and one (1) alternate delegate). Only the regular delegates may vote unless one is absent from a meeting, and then the entity’s alternate delegate may vote and serve as a regular delegate during that meeting. The Chairman may vote to break a tie. 

b.      Amendments

                                                                           i.      These bylaws and operating procedures may be amended by a two-thirds vote of all delegates voting at a meeting provided the proposed amendment has been submitted to all delegates at least 60 days before the meeting.  These bylaws may also be amended by a two-thirds vote in a mail referendum.

                                                                         ii.      After passage of any bylaw change, it will become effective immediately, but may be subject to a final review and approval at a meeting three (3) months after its original passage. This will serve as a review of the bylaw change to see if it is accomplishing its intended purpose after being in effect and use for three (3) months. Unless a two-thirds vote overturns the bylaw change(s) at this meeting, the bylaw change will remain in effect.

                                                                        iii.      All bylaws will be reviewed annually at an anniversary meeting each January or, should a quorum not be available, within two months before or after each January.  Failure to review bylaws annually as described in this section will result in the current bylaws remaining effective until the next anniversary meeting.

2.      Limitations

a.       Quorums for meetings – A minimum of 6 delegates need to attend each meeting in order to have a voting quorum.  If not, any issue requiring a vote may not take place, but the meeting may continue. The Secretary is responsible for ensuring that the quorum is in place.

3.      Membership Criteria

a.       Eligibility

                                                                           i.      Members must either be employed within and/or have their primary residence located within the boundaries of Hiram Township including Hiram Village. A primary residence is one where one lives more than six (6) months out of each year.

                                                                         ii.      Members must be at least 18 years of age.

                                                                        iii.      Those qualifying under i. and ii. above, may become an official member of HCPG by registering with the HCPG Secretary.

                                                                       iv.      Membership will be maintained by attending at least four (4) meetings per year.

                                                                         v.      Up to three non-voting members residing outside of Hiram Township/Hiram Village, serving as advisory positions may be selected from affiliated organizations e.g., government bodies, state, county or local officials, school board members, etc.

b.      Dues

                                                                           i.      There are currently no dues associated with membership.

                                                                         ii.      Printing, mailing, postage, research, and other expenses will be encountered and a way of financing same must be determined e.g. dues, grants, entity contributions, sponsorships, etc.

4.      Group Duties and Responsibilities

a.       Group committees should include but are not limited to –

                                                                           i.      Finance/Budget Committee

                                                                         ii.      Membership Committee

                                                                        iii.      Website Committee

                                                                       iv.      Research Committee

1.      Transfer of Development Right legislation

2.      Public opinion about land development from the three entities

                                                                         v.      Marketing and Public Relations Committee

                                                                       vi.      Area Economic Development Committee

                                                                      vii.      Fund Raising Committee

b.      Committee members may serve on more than one (1) committee

5.      Group Officers

a.       Officers will serve on a voluntary basis without compensation.

b.      Ranking

                                                                           i.      Officers of HCPG are as follows:

1.      Chairman

2.      Vice Chairman/Treasurer

3.      Secretary

c.       Officer’s Duties and Responsibilities

                                                                           i.      Chairman

1.      Conduct orderly and structured monthly meetings.

2.      Obtain approval of or amendments to prior meeting minutes.

3.      Establish an agenda for each meeting.

4.      Introduce issues, concerns, or projects to come before the HCPG.

5.      Appoint committee chairs

6.      At the point of ‘any other business’ – the last agenda item, the Chairman opens the meeting to the floor.

7.      Setting the next meeting time and date etc.

                                                                         ii.      Vice Chairman/Treasurer

1.      The Deputy Chair will take the place of the Chair if he/she is absent from meetings and when he/she retires – there is an automatic replacement in place.

                                                                        iii.      Secretary

1.      Take the tally votes from delegates on important issues

2.      Distribute the minutes to the Committee.

3.      Take, organize, and print the meeting minutes.


6.      Elections

a.       Officer Candidates

                                                                           i.      No more than three candidates may run for election (be on the ballot) for any one officer’s position.

b.      Officers of HCPG will be elected by secret ballot.

c.       Elected officers will serve HCPG for a period of two (2) years.

d.      At the completion of each officer’s two-year term, he/she will rotate positions e.g., Chairman will retire, Vice Chairman/Treasurer moves to Chairman, Secretary moves to Vice Chairman/Treasure.

e.       In order to help insure equal representation for the people, no more than one officer will be elected from each entity’s three delegates.

f.        Every two (2) years the Secretary has to be elected from the remaining unrepresented entity.                          

7.      Delegates

a.       The delegates of HCPG shall compose of nine (9) members.  There will be three (3) delegates and one (1) alternate delegate chosen to serve on the HCPG by each of the following entities:

                                                                           i.      Hiram Township

                                                                         ii.      Hiram Village

                                                                        iii.      Hiram College

b.      Each entity may select its own criteria and procedures for electing or appointing delegates to the HCPG.

c.       Delegates will be appointed by their respective entities to serve for a period of six (6) years.

d.      Delegates may be reappointed by their entities to serve additional terms at the entity’s discretion.

e.       Entities may appoint their delegates and their alternate delegates at their discretion.

f.        The three (3) HCPG Officers will be selected from the nine (9) delegates.

g.       For the first term of office of the HCPG, the Chairman will be nominated by and from the nine (9) delegates. Thereafter, the Vice Chairman/Treasurer will be nominated by the nine (9) delegates from a different entity than the Chairman represents.  Then the Secretary will be nominated by the nine (9) delegates from the three remaining delegates from the non-participating entity.

Example:  The nine (9) delegates nominate and vote for a Chairman who happens to be one of Hiram Township’s delegates. The nine (9) delegates must now nominate and vote for a Vice Chairman/Treasure from the remaining six (6) delegates from Hiram Village and Hiram College. Once accomplished, the secretary will be chosen in a similar manner from the remaining unrepresented entity.

8.      Appointments

a.       Committee chairman

                                                                           i.      The chairmen of committees may be appointed by the committee members.

b.      Committee members will be chosen from the membership at large by members volunteering for such position.

c.       Committees should not exceed five members or have less than three.

9.      Resignations/removals

a.      An officer, delegate, or committee member may resign at any time upon written notification to the HCPG chair. Such resignation becomes effectively immediately unless the HCPG chair and the resigning delegate set a specific effective date.

b.      An officer, delegate, or member may be removed upon the two-thirds vote of the delegates. An officer, delegate, or member shall be subject to automatic removal upon the loss of eligibility for service as defined Article V, 3.

c.       If an officer’s term becomes vacant, it is expected the entity where the vacancy was created will appoint a replacement delegate.

                                                                          i.      If the vacating officer is the chairman or vice chairman/treasure and has less than six months left in the 2-year term, then the normal officer rotation process as outlined in these bylaws will immediately commence. If the vacating officer’s term has greater than six months left, then the delegates shall attempt to choose a successor for that term from the remaining two (2) delegates and one (1) alternate delegate left representing the vacated officer’s entity. That appointed successor shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term at which time a new officer will be selected according to the regular rotation process outlined in these bylaws.

                                                                        ii.      If the created vacancy was the secretary, then a new secretary will be selected by the delegates from the same entity that created the vacancy.  That successor shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term at which time a new secretary will be selected and the normal rotation process outlined in these bylaws will occur.

                                                                      iii.      Delegates appointed or selected from any of the three (3) entities should not accept their delegate position if they are unable or unwilling to serve as an officer.

                                                                      iv.      Entities may choose their own criteria and process for selecting their delegates.

10.  Ethics, Conflict of Commitment, and Conflict of Interest

a.       The officers of HCPG shall always act in the best interest of the people they represent, being the residents and employees located throughout Hiram Township, Hiram Village, and Hiram College.

b.      A conflict of commitment occurs when a HCPG officer’s and/or delegate’s commitment to external activities interferes or appears to interfere with his or her capacity to meet his/her HCPG responsibilities.

c.       A conflict of interest may take many forms but arises when an HCPG delegate or officer might be able to use his or her HCPG position to:

                                                                           i.       influence HCPG’s business decisions in ways to give improper advantage to oneself, a family member, or associate.

                                                                         ii.      to obtain for oneself, a family member, or associate a financial benefit from HCPG’s activities.

d.      A HCPG delegate must declare any known or suspected conflict of interest or conflict of commitment to the chairman or secretary of HCPG.  In such instances, the member shall

                                                                           i.      declare the nature and extent of the interest as soon as possible and no later than the meeting at which the issue is to be considered;

                                                                         ii.      if the committee deems the conflict to be substantial, refrain from taking part in discussion or voting in relation to the matter; and…

                                                                        iii.      withdraw from the meeting when the matter is being discussed if requested to do so by a majority of the delegates present at the meeting.

e.       Where any member of HCPG is of the opinion that a conflict of interest or conflict of commitment exists with any delegate that has not been declared, HCPG may declare, by a resolution carried by two-thirds of a quorum of delegates present at the meeting, that a conflict of interest exists and a member thus found to be in conflict shall

                                                                           i.      refrain from taking part in any discussion or vote related to the matter; and

                                                                         ii.      withdraw from the meeting when the matter is being discussed if requested to do so by a majority of the members present at the meeting.

11.  Equity and nondiscrimination

a.       No person will be discriminated against based on race, color, creed, religion, national origin, age (if 18 years of age or over), handicap, gender, sexual orientation, veteran status or what ever is appropriate to at least meet, if not exceed the legal requirements.


Initially Appointed Delegates

Starting term date: ____________________________

Hiram College

Delegate:          Lisa Thibodeau
Delegate:          Laura Van Wormer
Delegate:          Damaris Peters Pike
Delegate:          Yet to be determined. It is not yet known which will be the alternate delegate

Hiram Township

Delegate:          Susan Marston
Delegate:          Stan Fischer
Delegate:          Shari Keef
Alternate:          ____________________________________________

Hiram Village

Delegate:          ____________________________________________
Delegate:          ____________________________________________
Delegate:          ____________________________________________
Alternate:          ____________________________________________ 



Hiram College
Hiram, Ohio 44234

A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING Hiram College to adopt and support in spirit and intent Chapter 6 of the Hiram 2020 Comprehensive Plan as adopted by the Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group (HCPG) and the Portage County Regional Planning Commission on June 18, 2003.

WHEREAS, Hiram College has interest in and is directly affected by the land usage, conservation, and development in Hiram Township and Hiram Village, and…

WHEREAS, Hiram College has interest in and is directly affected by the economic and land development of Hiram Township and Hiram Village, and…

WHEREAS, Hiram College has interest in and is directly affected by the changes to or adoption of local zoning regulations and the development of legislation for Transfer of Development Rights within Hiram Township and Hiram Village, and…

WHEREAS, Hiram College desires to participate and assist in the activities of local groups and governmental agencies interested in guiding the future growth and development of the Hiram area.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TRUSTEES OF HIRAM COLLEGE, HIRAM OHIO, a majority of the required members thereto occurring, that:

 SECTION 1:  Hiram College will adopt in spirit Chapter 6 of the Hiram 2020 Comprehensive Plan as adopted by the Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group (HCPG) and the Portage County Regional Planning Commission on June 18, 2003, a copy of which is hereto attached.

 SECTION 2:  Hiram College will use CHAPTER 6, as described in SECTION 1 above, as a reference guide and basis for the growth and conservation within the Hiram Village and Hiram Township communities and use CHAPTER 6 to also provide the basis for policy, program, and legislative changes needed to implement this said Plan.

 SECTION 3:  Hiram College will appoint or elect by any means it desires three (3) delegates and one (1) alternate delegate to represent Hiram College on the Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group to serve as outlined in the HCPG’s bylaws (a copy attached hereto) or as these bylaws may be amended.

 PASSED BY THE HIRAM COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES this _____ day of _________, 2003.






Hiram Township Trustees: Resolution Number __________


A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING the Hiram Township Trustees to adopt and support in spirit and intent Chapter 6 of the Hiram 2020 Comprehensive Plan as adopted by the Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group (HCPG) and the Portage County Regional Planning Commission on June 18, 2003.

 WHEREAS, the Hiram Township Trustees has interest in and is directly affected by the land usage, conservation, and development in Hiram Township and Hiram Village, and…

WHEREAS, the Hiram Township Trustees has interest in and is directly affected by the economic and land development of Hiram Township and Hiram Village, and…

 WHEREAS, the Hiram Township Trustees has interest in and is directly affected by the changes to or adoption of local zoning regulations and the development of legislation for Transfer of Development Rights within Hiram Township and Hiram Village, and…

 WHEREAS, the Hiram Township Trustees desires to participate and assist in the activities of local groups, Hiram College, and governmental agencies interested in guiding the future growth and development of the Hiram area.

 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HIRAM TOWENSHIP TRUSTEES OF HIRAM TOWNSHIP, OHIO, a majority of the required members thereto occurring, that:

 SECTION 1:  The Hiram Township Trustees will adopt in spirit Chapter 6 of the Hiram 2020 Comprehensive Plan as adopted by the Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group (HCPG) and the Portage County Regional Planning Commission on June 18, 2003, a copy of which is hereto attached.

 SECTION 2:  The Hiram Township Trustees will use CHAPTER 6, as described in SECTION 1 above, as a reference guide and basis for the growth and conservation within the Hiram Village and Hiram Township communities and use CHAPTER 6 to also provide the basis for policy, program, and legislative changes needed to implement this said Plan.

 SECTION 3:  Hiram College will appoint or elect by any means it desires three (3) delegates and one (1) alternate delegate to represent Hiram College on the Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group to serve as outlined in the HCPG’s bylaws (a copy attached hereto) or as these bylaws may be amended.

 SECTION 4: It is hereby found and determined that all formal actions and deliberations of the Hiram Township Trustees concerning and relating to adoption of this resolution were done in an open meeting of the Trustees and that all deliberations of this organization and any of its committees that resulted in such formal action were in meetings open to the public, in compliance with all legal requirements of the Ohio Revised Code of the State of Ohio.


________________________, 2003.




Hiram Village Council: Resolution Number __________

A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING Hiram Village Council to adopt and support in spirit and intent Chapter 6 of the Hiram 2020 Comprehensive Plan as adopted by the Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group (HCPG) and the Portage County Regional Planning Commission on June 18, 2003.

 WHEREAS, the Hiram Village Council has interest in and is directly affected by the land usage, conservation, and development in Hiram Township and Hiram Village, and…

 WHEREAS, the Hiram Village Council has interest in and is directly affected by the economic and land development of Hiram Township and Hiram Village, and…

 WHEREAS, the Hiram Village Council has interest in and is directly affected by the changes to or adoption of local zoning regulations and the development of legislation for Transfer of Development Rights within Hiram Township and Hiram Village, and…

 WHEREAS, the Hiram Village Council desires to participate and assist in the activities of local groups, Hiram College, and governmental agencies interested in guiding the future growth and development of the Hiram area.

 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HIRAM VLLAGE COUNCIL OF HIRAM, OHIO, a majority of the required members thereto occurring, that:

 SECTION 1:  The Hiram Village Council will adopt in spirit Chapter 6 of the Hiram 2020 Comprehensive Plan as adopted by the Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group (HCPG) and the Portage County Regional Planning Commission on June 18, 2003, a copy of which is hereto attached.

 SECTION 2:  The Hiram Village Council will use CHAPTER 6, as described in SECTION 1 above, as a reference guide and basis for the growth and conservation within the Hiram Village and Hiram Township communities and use CHAPTER 6 to also provide the basis for policy, program, and legislative changes needed to implement this said Plan.

 SECTION 3:  Hiram Village Council will appoint or elect by any means it desires three (3) delegates and one (1) alternate delegate to represent Hiram Village on the Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group to serve as outlined in the HCPG’s bylaws (a copy attached hereto) or as these bylaws may be amended.

 SECTION 4: It is hereby found and determined that all formal actions and deliberations of the Hiram Village Council concerning and relating to adoption of this resolution were done in an open meeting of this Council and that all deliberations of this Council and any of its committees that resulted in such formal action were in meetings open to the public, in compliance with all legal requirements, including Section 121.22 of the State of Ohio Revised Code.


________________________, 2003.




Hiram Township Zoning Board: Resolution Number __________

A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING the Hiram Township Zoning Board to adopt and support in spirit and intent Chapter 6 of the Hiram 2020 Comprehensive Plan as adopted by the Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group (HCPG) and the Portage County Regional Planning Commission on June 18, 2003.

 WHEREAS, the Hiram Township Zoning Board has interest in and is directly affected by the land usage, conservation, and development in Hiram Township and Hiram Village, and…

 WHEREAS, the Hiram Township Zoning Board has interest in and is directly affected by the economic and land development of Hiram Township and Hiram Village, and…

 WHEREAS, the Hiram Township Zoning Board has interest in and is directly affected by the changes to or adoption of local zoning regulations and the development of legislation for Transfer of Development Rights within Hiram Township and Hiram Village, and…

 WHEREAS, the Hiram Township Zoning Board desires to participate and assist in the activities of local groups, Hiram College, and governmental agencies interested in guiding the future growth and development of the Hiram area.

 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HIRAM TOWNSHIP ZONING BOARD OF HIRAM TOWNSHIP, OHIO, a majority of the required members thereto occurring, that:

 SECTION 1:  The Hiram Township Zoning Board will adopt in spirit Chapter 6 of the Hiram 2020 Comprehensive Plan as adopted by the Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group (HCPG) and the Portage County Regional Planning Commission on June 18, 2003, a copy of which is hereto attached.

 SECTION 2:  The Hiram Township Zoning Board will use CHAPTER 6, as described in SECTION 1 above, as a reference guide and basis for the growth and conservation within the Hiram Village and Hiram Township communities and use CHAPTER 6 to also provide the basis for policy, program, and legislative changes needed to implement this said Plan.

 SECTION 3:  Hiram Township Zoning Board recognizes the Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group to serve as outlined in the HCPG’s bylaws (a copy attached hereto) or as these bylaws may be amended.

 SECTION 4: It is hereby found and determined that all formal actions and deliberations of the Hiram Township Zoning Board concerning and relating to adoption of this resolution were done in an open meeting of the Board and that all deliberations of this organization and any of its committees that resulted in such formal action were in meetings open to the public, in compliance with all legal requirements of the Ohio Revised Code of the State of Ohio. 


________________________, 2003.




Hiram Village Planning Commission - Resolution Number ___

A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING Hiram Village Planning Commission to adopt and support in spirit and intent Chapter 6 of the Hiram 2020 Comprehensive Plan as adopted by the Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group (HCPG) and the Portage County Regional Planning Commission on June 18, 2003.

 WHEREAS, the Hiram Village Planning Commission has interest in and is directly affected by the land usage, conservation, and development in Hiram Township and Hiram Village, and…

 WHEREAS, the Hiram Village Planning Commission has interest in and is directly affected by the economic and land development of Hiram Township and Hiram Village, and… 

WHEREAS, the Hiram Village Planning Commission has interest in and is directly affected by the changes to or adoption of local zoning regulations and the development of legislation for Transfer of Development Rights within Hiram Township and Hiram Village, and…

 WHEREAS, the Hiram Village Planning Commission desires to participate and assist in the activities of local groups, Hiram College, and governmental agencies interested in guiding the future growth and development of the Hiram area.

 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HIRAM VLLAGE PLANNING COMMISSION OF HIRAM, OHIO, a majority of the required members thereto occurring, that: 

SECTION 1:  The Hiram Village Planning Commission will adopt in spirit Chapter 6 of the Hiram 2020 Comprehensive Plan as adopted by the Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group (HCPG) and the Portage County Regional Planning Commission on June 18, 2003, a copy of which is hereto attached.

 SECTION 2:  The Hiram Village Planning Commission will use CHAPTER 6, as described in SECTION 1 above, as a reference guide and basis for the growth and conservation within the Hiram Village and Hiram Township communities and use CHAPTER 6 to also provide the basis for policy, program, and legislative changes needed to implement this said Plan.

 SECTION 3:  Hiram Village Planning Commission recognizes the Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group to serve as outlined in the HCPG’s bylaws (a copy attached hereto) or as these bylaws may be amended.

 SECTION 4: It is hereby found and determined that all formal actions and deliberations of the Hiram Village Planning Commission concerning and relating to adoption of this resolution were done in an open meeting of this Commission and that all deliberations of this Commission and any of its committees that resulted in such formal action were in meetings open to the public, in compliance with all legal requirements, including Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code of the State of Ohio.


________________________, 2003.




Portage County Regional Planning Commission

Ravenna, Ohio

A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING the Portage County Regional Planning Commission to support in spirit and intent Chapter 6 of the Hiram 2020 Comprehensive Plan as adopted by the Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group (HCPG) under the guidance of the Portage County Regional Planning Commission on June 18, 2003.

 WHEREAS, the Portage County Regional Planning Commission has interest in and is directly affected by the land usage, conservation, and development in Hiram Township and Hiram Village, and…

 WHEREAS, the Portage County Regional Planning Commission has interest in and is directly affected by the economic and land development of Hiram Township and Hiram Village, and…

 WHEREAS, the Portage County Regional Planning Commission has interest in and is directly affected by the changes to or adoption of local zoning regulations and the development of legislation for Transfer of Development Rights within Hiram Township and Hiram Village, and…

 WHEREAS, the Portage County Regional Planning Commission desires to participate and assist in the activities of local groups, Hiram College, and governmental agencies interested in guiding the future growth and development of the Hiram area.


 SECTION 1:  The Portage County Regional Planning Commission will adopt in spirit Chapter 6 of the Hiram 2020 Comprehensive Plan as adopted by the Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group (HCPG) under the guidance of the Portage County Regional Planning Commission on June 18, 2003, a copy of which is hereto attached.

 SECTION 2:  The Portage County Regional Planning Commission will use CHAPTER 6, as described in SECTION 1 above, as a reference guide and basis for the growth and conservation within the Hiram Village and Hiram Township communities and use CHAPTER 6 to also provide the basis for policy, program, and legislative changes needed to implement this said Plan.

 SECTION 3:  The Portage County Regional Planning Commission recognizes the Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group to serve as outlined in the HCPG’s bylaws (a copy attached hereto) or as these bylaws may be amended.

 SECTION 4: It is hereby found and determined that all formal actions and deliberations of the Portage County Regional Planning Commission concerning and relating to adoption of this resolution were done in an open meeting of the Commission and that all deliberations of this organization and any of its committees that resulted in such formal action were in meetings open to the public, in compliance with all legal requirements of the Ohio Revised Code of the State of Ohio.



________________________, 2003.







Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group
PO Box 65
Hiram, Ohio 44234-0065
Hiram Village Council Chambers

January 21, 2004

Present at the meeting: Susan Marston, Waiva Worthly, Alan Donley, Shari Keefe, Robert Summers, Laura Van Wormer, Roger Cram, Lou Bertrand

The minutes from the January 21, 2004, meeting were read and approved by Laura Van Wormer and seconded by Susan Marston.

Susan Marston passed out information and forms regarding a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation. It is believed by all present that having the HCPG become a 501 (c) (3) would not only give the organization legitimacy, but would be needed in most circumstances for raising money. The cost for submitting the application is $125.00.

Alan Donley pointed out that the HCPG, being a 501 (c) (3), would qualify to hire Hiram College Federal Work Study students for clerical tasks.

Alan Donley also pointed out that money from the Hiram Community Trust would probably be available to assist the HCPG with the $125.00 needed to form a (501 (c)(3) and future operating costs such as mailing and survey expenses.

In compliance with our bylaws, nominations were taken for the election of the first officers in the HCPG.  The nominations were Susan Marston, Alan Donley, Roger Cram, and Shari Keefe.  Secret ballots were distributed and the final votes were tallied by Robert Summers.  The election results were as follows:  Chairman: Roger Cram, Vice Chairman: Alan Donley, Secretary: Susan Marston.

The Hiram Village Council will most likely approve the spirit of Chapter 6 and finish appointing delegates to the HCPG during the Village Council’s January 13, 2004, meeting. Two of the Village’s expected delegates are Alan Donley and Tom Bollenbacher.

It was suggested the February meeting be held in the Hiram Christian Church basement and invite the entire Hiram Township and Village residents.  To inform all about this meeting an article was to be written for the Villager and the Record Courier and the Hiram College Service Center could be used for a Hiram College campus mailing to faculty and staff.

Sheri Keefe requested a copy of the Hiram Village and Hiram Township zoning laws. It is believed these can be obtained from their respective Planning Commissions. Sheri also requested a copy of all HCPG members listing phone numbers and email address.  Roger Cram stated he would go through the HCPG’s meeting attendance sheets for the past several months and compile a list of all those having attended a meeting.

     Some of the fears and concerns I hear voiced by local citizens and governmental representatives concerning the HCPG are as follows:

bulletThey fear they will be obligated to the HCPG’s Chapter 6.
bulletThey fear local future development will be as depicted on the map presented with Chapter 6.
bulletThey fear a Resolution committing their governmental entity to the HCPG’s bylaws will diminish or threaten their future legislative authority.
bulletThere are many items in Chapter 6 and on the associated map they do not agree with and they do not want to jeopardize their ability to make future choices for their constituents.

     We need to address these and other concerns at our February 2004 meeting before we hold another community gathering at the church.  Consider the following topics which must be understood by all interested parties:

    The HCPG’s main purpose, according to its bylaws and Mission Statement, is to gather information about our community’s future growth and organize and distribute this information to local interested persons and organizations.

HCPG’s Mission Statement

bulletTo serve the residents, land owners, and those employed within Hiram Township, Hiram Village, and Hiram College in future land use planning, economic development, and community growth…
bulletas an advisory council for local governmental agencies.
bulletas an educating medium for the Hiram area.
bulletas a gatherer, analyzer, and distributor of statistics and trends concerning the local area.
bulletas a gatherer, analyzer, and distributor of citizen’s opinions and desires for growth and land development in the local area.
bulletas a liaison between community groups and governmental agencies with the guidance of Portage County Regional Planning.
bulletas a resource for sample legislation and ordinances concerning transfer of development rights and other land use/development procedures.
bulletas an insurer that the goals and mission of this Comprehensive Plan Committee stay active.

      An organization has been formed to gather citizens’ opinions about the desired growth or lack of growth in their own community. The HCPG is formed by these people, with every citizen, land owner, and employee of Hiram Township, Hiram College, and Hiram Village being an automatic member (if desired). Here is a forum where everyone’s voice can be heard in an effort to control future economic growth and land development in our community. In the past, such matters were decided in public hearings before governmental bodies as land developers requested zoning and ordinance changes.  During past public hearings, community members have frequently expressed a “hurried or rushed” feeling requesting more time and research and discussions be allowed before such important decisions are made. Well, the HCPG is that forum. Let’s summarize:

bulletChapter 6 represents an actual public-survey summation regarding community growth. It is one sample of one survey. Its accompanying maps and charts represent one possible scenario of future growth and conservation based on this one community-opinion sampling.        
bulletHundreds of different maps could be created based on the spirit of chapter 6 with each map depicting different open space areas, residential developments, industrial parks, and preservation sites.  
bulletChapter 6 is the summation of those citizens and land owners completing the one survey issued in 2002. It is not everyone’s opinion, but rather the majority of opinions derived only from those involved with the one survey.
bulletThe accompanying map of suggested future development is one scenario out of thousands of possibilities that could be derived from the information in Chapter 6.
bulletChapter 6 is a dynamic document that will change yearly as people’s opinions change, as new residences and businesses move into the area, and as our culture changes with technology and new generations replace the old.
bulletThe HCPG has no legislative authority.  Our only power it is make suggestions based on the opinions of the people.  All local government agencies (Village Councils, Planning Commissions, Township Trustees, College committees) retain their complete power over all legislation (zoning amendments, ordinances changes, etc.)
bulletThe HCPG does not threaten the power of the people or its governmental organizations, for we are the people. We are simply a forum to solicit and gather local opinions. We can make the jobs of governmental agencies much easier by providing much timely information about the desires of our citizens carefully gathered over time (not rushed as is often the case with public hearings).
bulletThe past two years under the guidance of the Portage County Regional Planning Commission has shown the HCPG how to gather information, solicit other’s opinions, and distribute and analyze surveys.  This involved procedure is an example of how the HCPG can continue to gather information in the future. The resulting documents (chapters 1-6) are a summation of this one effort, not an absolute decision on how the area will be developed.
bulletThe spirit of chapter 6 is simply the HCPG’s mission statement:
bulletas a gatherer, analyzer, and distributor of statistics and trends concerning the local area.
bulletas a gatherer, analyzer, and distributor of citizen’s opinions and desires for growth and land development in the local area.

Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group
PO Box 65
Hiram, Ohio 44234-0065
Hiram Village Council Chambers

February 17, 2004

Minutes to be submitted from the secretary.


 Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group
PO Box 65
Hiram, Ohio 44234-0065
Hiram Village Council Chambers

March 17, 2004

Roger Cram and Alan Donley arrived at the Hiram Village hall at 7:00 pm. No other members were in attendance. At 7:35 pm the meeting was dismissed for lack of quorom.

Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group
PO Box 65
Hiram, Ohio 44234-0065
Hiram Christian Church

April 28, 2004

The meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm by Roger Cram in the basement of the Hiram Christian Church.

Present at the meeting were: Judy Seneff, Terry Kulka, Diane Caughell, Chris McGhee, Chad Demean, Karen Demean,
Nancy Gall, Robert Sawyer, Bob Kehres, Terrie Ellenberger, Chris Colaizzi, Jack Groselle, Tom Bosma, Evelyn Bixler, Joe Ober, JC Bittence,Jr., Edward Randa, Jack Matzek, Laura VanWormer, Stan Fischer, Lisa Vani, Tom & Shari Keefe, Matt Sorrick, Kathryn Craig, Waiva Worthley, Darrell Wright, Roger Cram, Mayor Robert Summers, Alan Donley,

There were many new faces at this meeting.  Roger Cram spent 45 minutes discussing what the Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group was about, its mission statement, its advantage to the surrounding community. (These points were discussed in the January 21, 2004 meeting).

     For the past two years, the Portage County Regional Planning Commission has been training a group of Hiram citizens (Village, College, and Township) in the techniques of assimilating pertinent data to project local growth trends.  These techniques include gathering data concerning citizen’s opinions, conservation areas, environmentally sensitive locations, possible sites for commercial and residential growth, and farm lands and vistas that may prove beneficial if untouched.  It’s a complicated process; that’s why this training took almost two years.

     A 6-chapter manual was supplied by the Portage County Regional Planning Commission detailing the entire two-year process.  The first 5 chapters involve the research techniques and process for gathering pertinent data.  Chapter 6, the last chapter, is a summary showing growth trends and a majority of people’s opinions regarding land development as derived from the first 5 chapters’ data. A sample Hiram Village map showing areas of possible growth and conservation was supplied with Chapter 6.

bulletTo serve the residents, land owners, and those employed within Hiram Township, Hiram Village, and Hiram College in future land use planning, economic development, and community growth…
bulletas an advisory council for local governmental agencies.
bulletas an educating medium for the Hiram area.
bulletas a gatherer, analyzer, and distributor of statistics and trends concerning the local area.
bulletas a gatherer, analyzer, and distributor of citizen’s opinions and desires for growth and land development in the local area.
bulletas a liaison between community groups and governmental agencies with the guidance of Portage County Regional Planning.
bulletas a resource for sample legislation and ordinances concerning transfer of development rights and other land use/development procedures.
bulletas an insurer that the goals and mission of this Comprehensive Plan Committee stay active.

     The HCPG is a forum where everyone’s voice can be heard in an effort to control future economic growth and land development in our community. It is an unprecedented opportunity for the Township, Village, and College to work together in deciding our future growth and development.

bulletChapter 6 represents an actual public-survey summation regarding community growth. It is one sample of one survey. Its accompanying map represents one possible scenario of future growth and conservation based on this one community-opinion sampling.       
bulletHundreds of different maps could be created based on the spirit of chapter 6 with each map depicting different open space areas, residential developments, industrial parks, and preservation sites.  
bulletChapter 6 is the summation of those citizens and land owners completing the one survey issued in 2002. It is not everyone’s opinion, but rather the majority of opinions derived only from those involved with the one survey.
bulletThe accompanying map of suggested future development is one scenario out of thousands of possibilities that could be derived from the information in Chapter 6.
bulletChapter 6 is a dynamic document that will change yearly as people’s opinions change, as new residences and businesses move into the area, and as our culture changes with technology and new generations replace the old.
bulletThe HCPG has no legislative authority.  Our only power is to make suggestions based on the opinions of the people.  All local government agencies (Village Councils, Planning Commissions, Township Trustees, College committees) retain their complete power over all legislation (zoning amendments, ordinances changes, etc.)
bulletThe HCPG does not threaten the power of the people or its governmental organizations, for we are the people. We are simply a forum to solicit and gather local opinions. We can make the jobs of governmental agencies much easier by providing timely information about the desires of our citizens carefully gathered over time (not rushed as is often the case with public hearings).
bulletThe past two years under the guidance of the Portage County Regional Planning Commission has shown the HCPG how to gather information, solicit other’s opinions, and distribute and analyze surveys.  This involved procedure is an example of how the HCPG can continue to gather information in the future. The resulting documents (chapters 1-6) are a summation of this one effort, not an absolute decision on how the area will be developed.

A poll was taken to see if the HCPG should continue its existence and to register as a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization.  A vote taken was unanimous with the majority voting "aye": with no "nay" votes discerned.

Because of other meetings in the area occurring on the third Wednesday of every month, it was approved my majority "ayes" to change the HCPG's meeting night to the fourth Wednesday of each month.  The meeting place was also changed from Hiram Village Hall Council Chambers to the basement of the Hiram Christian Church in anticipation of larger tu8rn outs than the Village Council Chambers cam comfortably hold.

Roger Cram mentioned that he hoped the meetings could be conducted with a positive attitude uniting the three entities (Township, Village, and College) into peaceful planning discussions in trying to guide the community's future growth and common interests.  It is felt that growth is inevitable, and to pretend it wasn't going to happen to the Hiram area was unrealistic, and to anticipate growth trying to guide it for the best interest of the majority of community members.  All three entities are on the same side and we should be able to express contrary opinions with peace and dignity.

Robert Sawyer expressed concern about rumors involving Hiram Township considering eminent domain to obtain some property just west of Ryder Road. Sawyer stated that he cannot remember when eminent domain was used in our area before, and he question if such use was in the spirit and best interest of the community. Terry Kulka and Jack Groselle addressed Sawyer's concern by stating that Hiram Township had mentioned eminent domain as one possible option along with many other alternatives, and no one course of action had been decided.

Several attendees wanted to see the HCPG's bylaws and read minutes from other meetings.  Roger Cram stated such information would be placed on a HCPG Website with the Web address of http://www.rfcram.com/HCPG.htm. It was also stated that future meeting minutes and Agendas would be published on the Web for the convenience of HCPG members.

It was suggested that chapters 1-6 of the Comprehensive Plan be published on the Web so others can read the document. Hiram College spent $1000 printing copies of the entire document so officials the Township, Village, and College could have the document for reference. Roger Cram stated he believed Lynn Erickson of the Portage County Regional Planning Commission may have the document on disc.  If so, perhaps it could be published on the Web.

It is anticipated that during the May 2004 meeting the remainder of entity delegates could be appointed with HCPG members forming active committees to start accomplishing objectives.

Coffee and cookies were served courtesy of Kathryn Craig and the Hiram Christian Church.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm by Roger Cram. The next meeting will be held at the Hiram Christian Church at 7:00 pm on May 19, 2004.


Hiram Comprehensive Planning Group
PO Box 65
Hiram, Ohio 44234-0065
Hiram Village Council Chambers

May 19, 2004

The May 2004 meeting was cancelled.